
Hair Treatments


You will have an exclusive service with the highest degree of expertise in a place specialized in only one thing: you. Each time you adquire our services, you’ll have personalized advice before, during and after treatment.

We believe that external beauty also comes from the inside thats why We have exclusive alliances with the best fitness coaches, trainers, nutritionists and psychologists to support your transformation process and make your results shine much brighter…

Colombian Hair Botox

Smoothes, repairs, hydrates, nourishes and adds shine and softness to your hair, in the three capillary layers, of course it can also be used for curly hair to further define its curls.

Colombian Nanoplasty

Restores your hair, giving it a shiny and healthy appearance with this innovative process. It’s also an excellent method for straightening.

Colombian Tatinoplasty

Straightens your hair with a treatment that deeply and intensely reinforces the hair fiber, resulting in shinier and more flexible hair.

Hair Stimulation Treatment

Recover and stimulate the growth of your hair while hydrating your scalp with this microneedling treatment.

Are you feeling your Smooth,
silky, shiny hair yet?

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revolution in hair care and receive a 10% discount!

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